Saturday, March 17, 2007

color me lagging

watch me attempt to squeeze in everything in the next two weeks. ah well, that's how i work. it's not procrastinating, it's working up to the deadline. hey, why do today what you can do the day after tomorrow?

#5 (week three) - i explored flickr, went searching for pictures of devil doll - a band i cannot get enough of these days. i found this : the lovely "devil doll" is the one on the left. her actual name is colleen. i'm not uploading the pic, because i don't know the person who took it. instead, here's one of me that i just posted to my brand-spanking new flickr account.
#6 (week three) - (see above)


KJA said...

Hey, I love that picture.

KJA said...

I will definitely have to add you to my Flickr friends list.